with SparkThink

SparkThink is an easy-to-use tool to facilitate workshops, conduct surveys, and move projects forward - in person or remotely.

Spark a world of productive discussion with SparkThink Workshops.

A SparkThink workshop is a live session where you can democratize the idea-gathering process. Whether everyone’s in the same room or working remotely, they all contribute equally while you moderate, making collaboration simple.

Spark valuable feedback and actionable insights with SparkThink Surveys.

Across your office or around the world, SparkThink Surveys let you gather everyone’s feedback for the consensus needed to move projects forward. It’s easy to create and distribute the type of survey you want and let participants complete it on their own.

Why use SparkThink?

Gather feedback across your office or around the world. 


It's intuitive

Setting up a SparkThink workshop or survey takes just minutes, and participants have point-and-tap access to Workshops with our QR Code feature.


It's powerful

Surveys can accommodate hundreds of thousands of respondents, and Workshops can host up to 10,000+ simultaneous users.


It's engaging

SparkThink workshops and surveys are interactive, visually engaging experiences that make taking surveys and sharing ideas fun and effective.


It's welcoming

With built-in anonymity, workshop participants feel safe sharing their perspective, regardless of their position or status.


It's effective

SparkThink gets results by making the process of gathering perspectives and getting alignment simple and memorable.

cloud upload

It's digital

No limitations. You can use SparkThink on any device, and it captures, tabulates, and easily distributes everything that’s discussed.